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KayokenPublisher: Know Direction

Combining the subtle dancing fingers of an arcane caster with the sledge fist of a martial artist, when the kayoken throws a punch, it strike like lightning. and nbsp;

A new Pathfinder compatible magus/monk hybrid class.

GM's Maps #25: Modern Police Station

GM's Maps #25: Modern Police StationPublisher: Gethsemane Games

Map making can be time-consuming and sometimes frustrating for GMs, especially GMs with limited time to begin with. In our new 'GM's Maps' range, we will be providing a range of pre-made maps for you to use in your games.

Modern Police Station

The police are a fact of life in most modern societies, it is their role to enforce the laws of the nation state to which they belong. Policing differs from country to country and from historical period to historical period. British police, for example, are typically not armed with firearms, carrying instead racking batons and CS gas sprays or in some instances tazers. In other nations, the police often carry firearms of various types. One universal constant, however, is that they all need stations from which to operate. A base of operations where they write reports, detain and question suspects and conduct investigations.

The police station presented here is a medium to large city station with detention facilities, hard and soft interview rooms, civilian administration offices, and facilities for both uniformed patrol officers and plain clothes detectives.

The Police Station, although based on modern American examples can also be used in near future or SF games as well as post apocalyptic settings and set in most countries around the world.

The building may provide a base of operations for characters who are police detectives or post apocalyptic survivors who have turned it into their hideout. Alternatively, the PCs may have to break out of or even into the building for some reason. Perhaps some strange, supernatural creature now haunts the building or an unstoppable killer of mysterious origins is stalking it.

Publisher's Licence
Publishers wishing to use this map in their own products may do so subject to the following restrictions;

You may use the map in your own adventures or supplements provided you add your own content.
This map may not be resold as part of a product that is intended primarily as a map or collection of maps.

If you use this map please credit the author B F Irving and Gethsemane Games and include the line and ldquo;Map created with Campaign Cartographer 3 by Profantasy Software and rdquo;

Undead Miniatures 28mm

Undead Miniatures 28mmPublisher: Dark Dwarves

Need a Lich or some of his undead henchmen this set is for you. and nbsp;This set includes:

  • 1 Lich
  • 9 undead

Print as many and nbsp;as you need, they will add some character to your board or battle-map.

Symbaroum: Karten-Set

Symbaroum: Karten-SetPublisher: Prometheus Games Publishing

Dieses PDF-Kartenset beinhaltet zwei hochaufl and ouml;sende Karten mit ausblendbaren Ebenen.

Die erste Karte zeigt das Gebiet des Davokar, and auml;hnlich der Karte auf Seite 17 des Grundregelwerks, lediglich gr and ouml; and szlig;er. Die zweite Karte zeigt die Stadt Distelfeste, zus and auml;tzlich mit Stra and szlig;ennamen und wichtigen Lokalit and auml;ten.

NOVA Basisbuch 2. Edition

NOVA Basisbuch 2. EditionPublisher: Prometheus Games Publishing


Wir eroberten die Sterne und doch sind wir nichts.

Der Schmerz und die Tr and uuml;mmer zerberstender Welten lehrte uns Demut. Sie kamen and uuml;ber uns und verschlangen, wessen sie gewahr wurden. Verzweifelt k and auml;mpften wir wie unz and auml;hlige Spezies zuvor and nbsp; and nbsp;gegen den nicht enden wollenden Strom des Kontinuums der Beta-Pictor.

and nbsp;

and Uuml;ber einhundert Jahre sind vergangen und niemand vermag zu erkl and auml;ren, warum der Ansturm pl and ouml;tzlich erlag. Bedrohlicher Friede liegt and uuml;ber der Galaxis. Was von der Menschheit geblieben und durch den Feind geeint war, zerbrach.

and nbsp;

Seither wetteifern die Spezies der Milchstra and szlig;e um Ressourcen und Macht im Schatten des Beta-Pictor-Kontinuums und niemand wagt das tr and uuml;gerische Geschenk der Koexistenz zu ergr and uuml;nden. Ein jeder f and uuml;rchtet die Antwort und doch fl and uuml;stern einige wenige da sei ein Weg, ein Weg hinaus, ein Weg nach Andromeda.

Das NOVAbasisbuch enth and auml;lt u.a. ...

- and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;unterschiedlichste Charaktertypen, darunter diverse Au and szlig;erirdische und Artifikanten

- and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Beispielcharaktere zum schnellen Spieleinstieg und Erschaffung eigener Charaktere

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- and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Umfangreiche Charakterausstattung mit einheitlichen Regelkonzepten wie Schutzkleidung, Waffen, Mutationen, Kybernetik, Scanner, Raumschiffe, and uuml;bernat and uuml;rliche F and auml;higkeiten etc.

- and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;einheitliche Editoren zum vielf and auml;ltigen Eigenbau s and auml;mtlicher Ausr and uuml;stung, von Nanobots bis zu Raumschiffen

- and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;das Abenteuer Nanod and auml;mmerung

und mehr!

Hellfrost: Schrecken der Vergangenheit

Hellfrost: Schrecken der VergangenheitPublisher: Prometheus Games Publishing

Ein uralter Schrecken bedroht Heligioland!

Der Todesf and uuml;rst Helfried erweckte auf seinen Reisen in den Norden die Leichen einiger Thrymrei and szlig;er, schrecklicher Diener des Eisk and ouml;nigs, zum Leben und hetzte diese blutr and uuml;nstigen Wesen auf die Sterblichen. Doch nun trachtet er danach, die Heerscharen seiner Herrin um einen noch m and auml;chtigen Diener Thryms zu bereichern.

Auf ihrer Reise durch das sommerliche Heligioland werden die Helden von einem ungew and ouml;hnlich starken Schneesturm and uuml;berrascht und suchen Schutz und Unterkunft im Dorf Skuggiheim. Sie ahnen nicht, dass sie so dem schrecklichen Spiel des m and auml;chtigen Nekromanten auf die Schliche kommen.Und so m and uuml;ssen die Helden hinaus in das eisige Unwetter, sich den Pl and auml;nen des Priesters und seines untoten Gefolges entgegenstellen, um das Heligioland vor einer noch m and auml;chtigeren Bedrohung zu bewahren.

Schrecken der Vergangenheit von Christian Bender und Martin Schmidt ist das erste gro and szlig;e deutsche Abenteuer f and uuml;r das epische Fantasysetting Hellfrost, einer Erweiterung f and uuml;r das preisgekr and ouml;nte Rollenspiel Savage Worlds.

Ghouls Miniatures

Ghouls MiniaturesPublisher: Dark Dwarves

28mm cardstock miniature ghouls ready for action. These guys are great cannon fodder, PDF format print as many as you want.

There are 10 Ghouls in this set

Deadlands: Marshal-Handbuch

Deadlands: Marshal-HandbuchPublisher: Prometheus Games Publishing

Auf den High Plains ist die H and ouml;lle los, Amigo! Der Tombstone Epitaph f and uuml;llt seine Seiten seit jeher mit rei and szlig;erischen Geschichten von waghalsigen Desperados und gef and auml;hrlichen Wegelagerern, doch in letzter Zeit warnt das meistgelesene Sensationsblatt des Westens vor einer dunkleren Gefahr, die die Pr and auml;rie heimsucht: Monster! Zum Gl and uuml;ck sind dort, wo es Monster gibt, Helden nicht weit. Scharf and auml;ugige Revolverm and auml;nner, kartenschleudernde Huckster, mutige Indianerkrieger und aufrichtige Padres and ndash; sie alle folgen dem Ruf. Und wenn sie sich im Kampf zu behaupten wissen, k and ouml;nnte es ihnen vielleicht sogar gelingen, die Identit and auml;t der mysteri and ouml;sen Vollstrecker zu l and uuml;ften, die Ger and uuml;chten zufolge hinter alledem stecken. and nbsp;

Das Marshal-Handbuch ist der Settingband f and uuml;r Deadlands. Er beinhaltet erweiterte Settingregeln, die allein f and uuml;r den Marshal bestimmt sind, die Wahrheit and uuml;ber all die merkw and uuml;rdigen Flecken des Unheimlichen Westens, mehr fiese Viecher als auf eine Kuhhaut passen und auch sonst alles, was ein Marshal so braucht, um die Abrechnung am Laufen zu halten. and nbsp;

and nbsp;

Das Deadlands: Marshal-Handbuch ist kein vollst and auml;ndiges Spielsystem. Zum Spielen werden zus and auml;tzlich das Deadlands: Spielerhandbuch sowie die Savage Worlds: Gentleman and rsquo;s Edition Revised ben and ouml;tigt.

Deadlands: Karte des Unheimlichen Westens

Deadlands: Karte des Unheimlichen WestensPublisher: Prometheus Games Publishing

Dieses PDF bietet vom Great Maze in Kalifornien bis nach Missouri eine hochaufl and ouml;sende Karte des Unheimlichen Westens.

Dead or Wounded Tokens

Dead or Wounded TokensPublisher: Dark Dwarves

These Tokens are designed to be placed on the battle-map and nbsp;to show dead or wounded NPCs or characters.

20 tokens are included in this set.

Thanks and Enjoy

BattleTech: Technical Readout: Succession Wars

BattleTech: Technical Readout: Succession WarsPublisher: Catalyst Game Labs


On February 5, 2439, the Mackie obliterated all opposition during its first combat trial, ushering in a new era of warfare. The BattleMech and mdash;King of the Battlefield and mdash;was born. BattleMechs reached their pinnacle during the golden age of the Star League. The fall of the Star League and the Succession Wars that raged for centuries afterward took their toll and by the Fourth Succession War, the technology employed on the battlefields was a mere shadow of what it once was. However, the discovery of the Helm Memory Core unlocked the technological potential to develop new BattleMechs and experimental technologies for the first time in centuries.

Technical Readout: Succession Wars is the perfect and ldquo;first Technical Readout and rdquo; companion to the BattleMech Manual. Combining the and rsquo;Mechs previously found in Technical Readout: 3039, Technical Readout: 3050 Upgrade, Technical Readout: 3058 Upgrade, and Technical Readout: 3075, this volume features some of the most common and rsquo;Mechs from the Age of War to the Succession Wars. Each machine is illustrated in detail, and accompanied by a description of its history, capabilities, game stats, along with their most famous pilots.

Note: and nbsp;This is a compilation volume. The entries in this book are reprinted from and nbsp;Technical Readout: 3039, Technical Readout: 3050 Upgrade, Technical Readout: 3058 Upgrade, and and nbsp;Technical Readout: 3075. and nbsp;Players who own those and nbsp;Technical Readouts and nbsp;will find the same units presented in and nbsp;Technical Readout: Succession Wars.

BattleTech: BattleMech Manual

BattleTech: BattleMech ManualPublisher: Catalyst Game Labs

Your Avatar Awaits!

and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and bull; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Standing from seven to sixteen meters tall, and weighing from twenty to one hundred tons
and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and bull; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Powered by an armored and shielded fusion reactor
and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and bull; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Skeleton of honeycombed, foamed aluminum core wrapped with stressed silicon carbide monofilament and sheathed by a rigid, titanium-steel shell
and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and bull; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Locomotion generated via bundles of polyacetylene-fiber myomer muscles
and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and bull; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Protected by aligned-crystal steel over a layer of boron nitride impregnated with diamond monofilaments Mounting a swath of powerful weapons from charged particle beams to lasers, missiles to rapid-fire autocannons
and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and bull; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;All at the command of the noble elite, the MechWarriors
The modern BattleMech is the end result of more than three thousand years of battlefield technology development. Combining awesome destructive power and unparalleled maneuverability, the BattleMech is perhaps the most complex machine ever produced. The undisputed master of thirty-first century warfare, the BattleMech seems destined to reign supreme for centuries to come.

and mdash;Excerpts from a promotional pamphlet originally distributed by Defiance Industries of Hesperus, Lyran Commonwealth, 3007

Using the most up-to-date rules text, the BattleMech Manual has been designed from the ground up to cater to the BattleTech player wanting to engage in an all- and rsquo;Mech battle. Includes a variety of optional rules, terrain and more.

Welcome to the most table-usage-friendly BattleTech rulebook ever published!

100 Books on Military Subjects to Find on a Bookshelf

100 Books on Military Subjects to Find on a BookshelfPublisher: Azukail Games

This is a list of genuine books on military subjects, including such as history, strategy, tactics, leadership, biographies and autobiographies of military leaders, guerrilla warfare and combating terrorism. Each book has its tile, author, if applicable, publication year, original language, if not English, and some notes on the topic.

The majority of the books are published in the 20th century or later but there are also some older classics. The books are heavily Western in their subject matter, with a concentration on British and American topics and military affairs.

The books can be used to flesh out an appropriate modern bookshelf.

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An example result:

Leadership: The Warrior and rsquo;s Art by Barry R. McCaffrey (2001, case studies, concepts of leadership, both ancient and modern, reaching leadership, examples from history including Frederick the Great and American and German experiences in World War II, leadership from the view of followers and creating special operations teams)

One page is the front matter.

Weekly Wonders - Archetypes of the Ancients Volume I - Atlantis

Weekly Wonders - Archetypes of the Ancients Volume I - AtlantisPublisher: Necromancers of the Northwest

Harness the Power of Atlantis!

and nbsp;

Plumbing ancient ruins in search of long-forgotten secrets and the power of lost civilizations is nothing new to adventurers. Few fantasy settings are without some lost civilization from ages before, which boasted magic or technology far more advanced than anything seen today. But if you and rsquo;re going to go after mythical cities from bygone eras, you may as well go after the best of the best. Each installment of Weekly Wonders: Archetypes of the Ancients takes a single real-world mythological city, lost continent, or hidden kingdom and provides six archetypes specifically designed to invoke the themes and elements that that place is known for.

and nbsp;

This installment focuses on perhaps the most well-known lost civilization of them all, the city of Atlantis. Famous for its advanced culture, technology, and magic, said to be far superior than anything the current world possesses, for all its greatness, Atlantis was lost beneath the waves in a great catastrophe, setting back the development of mankind for untold centuries. While there are many legends and tales about exactly what Atlantis was like, the archetypes in this book focus on some of the common threads shared by most of them: advanced magic and technology, the ability to harness and control energy, heavy use of crystalsand a close connection to the water. This book contains the following archetypes:

and nbsp;

  • The ancient experimenter, an alchemist archetype that is adept at manipulating minerals.
  • The ancient weapon master, a gunslinger archetype that specializes in the use of ancient Atlantean weaponry.
  • The techblade, a magus archetype that blends modern magic with ancient Atlantean technology.
  • The lorefinder of Atlantis, a rogue archetype that weaponizes obscure lore and ancient knowledge, and has a particular knack for using ancient technology.
  • The Atlantean master craftsman, a wizard archetype that can make items to replicate the ancient wonders of Atlantis.
  • A bonus discipline for the psion, from Psionics Unleashed by Dreamscarred Press, the Atlantean psion derives her power from a connection o ancient Atlantis, and, among other things, can use her own psychic power to fuel magic items.

and nbsp;

Whether you're about to embark on an archaeological campaign (such as the official Paizo adventure path dealing with seeking out the secrets of a lost and ancient civilization), or you just want to play a character with a connection to the ancient past, this book has lots of tantalizing options to offer. Even GMs can get in on the fun, as several of the archetypes here are perfect for NPCs tied to mythical places as well, and can make for exciting and memorable encounters.

and nbsp;

Ultimate Iron Age Guide: Celts (EGS)

Ultimate Iron Age Guide: Celts (EGS)Publisher: Mystical Throne Entertainment

The wind swept isles of Albion have long held the popular imagination, and legends are still being invented about the Celtic peoples. In modern times, the Cornish, Welsh, Scottish, Irish, and Manx are the heirs to the Celtic line. In ancient times, the Celts were spread across continental Europe and the Isles. They held great kingdoms and were skilled on horseback, at crossing the oceans, and at strength of arms.

Ultimate Iron Age Guide: Celts is a sourcebook that seeks to convey a handful of polished gems made from the myth and history of the Celts, ensuring you can utilize these people and their legends in your games. Remembered for their ferocity in battle, their bravery that bordered on foolhardiness, and their love of land and place, the Celts are as much a people of story as they are people in history.

Ultimate Iron Age Guide: Celts includes:

  • A brief history of the Celtic people.
  • Ranks within Celtic society.
  • A look at the Celtic lands.
  • An overview of Celtic mythology.
  • Options for creating Celtic characters.
  • Non-player Characters.
  • Celtic adventures.
  • ... and more!

Ultimate Iron Age Guide: Celts can lay the groudwork for a historical or alternate history adventure set within the Celtic lands of old. It can also be used as a guide for creating Celtic characters within fantasy games.

The Wreckers of Windward Isle

The Wreckers of Windward IslePublisher: Roan Studio

Sitting at the entrance to the Bay of Spirits is an imposing rocky island that has been a hazard to ships and seafarers since the early years of exploration in the region. The weather, rough seas, pirates and the damnable Wreckers make ocean voyage in the area perilous at best. The land itself can be just as dangerous with adventure and intrigue around every corner. and nbsp;

Welcome to Windward Isle and the Bay of Spirits.

Shibaten of Porphyra

Shibaten of PorphyraPublisher: Purple Duck Games

From the darkest alley to the deepest jungle, the duck-folk of Porphyra take on all challenges in their own brave-faced way. Small but feisty, Shibaten break the mold of what Small characters can do, making excellent barbarians and bloodragers.

The shibaten have a place on the patchwork wold of Porphyra, but they are travelers and can easily appear in any game world.

Shibaten of Porphyra contains a full description of this small race with big hearts. Read about their families, why they hide their eggs in monster nests, what they normally do for a living, and why and how they adventure. Includes several new archetypes, the angry quack (barbarian), everyman (medium), fighting quack (brawler), quack-fu monk (monk) and the feather bloodline for bloodragers and sorcerers. There are eleven alternate class features and favored class bonuses for many different races.

Higher Grounds Presents: Hybrid Class - Blade-Siren

Higher Grounds Presents: Hybrid Class - Blade-SirenPublisher: Higher Grounds

Death Has Never Been So Beautiful

Elves unlike you've ever seen them before.

Thousands of years studying their art has made them into deadly warriors. True defenders of their people, the Blade-Sirens use the graceful technique of bladesong and nbsp;to turn their foes into mincemeat! With this hybrid class, you'll get to play as one of the mythological blade-sirens who wield sword and spell in a beautiful dance of death. and nbsp;

If you've ever read Forgotten Realms and thought to yourself, and quot;This needs to be a class of its own! and quot; then this book is for you. and nbsp;

100 Network Data Finds V2.0

100 Network Data Finds V2.0Publisher: Fishwife Games

This 100 list contains a bunch of different possible things that a hacker or and ldquo;net runner and rdquo; might find if they are messing around in various networks and databases. From shocking scandals, cutting edge technology, or discussions about everyday events, you can find it here. Some rolled up information is useful, other bits semi-pointless.

Class Codex: The Spellwright

Class Codex: The SpellwrightPublisher: Fat Goblin Games

You've activated their card trap!

Class Codex: The Spellwright introduces an all new 20 level base class that is a and nbsp; prepared spellcaster focused on consumable scroll-like spells written on cards with themes drawn from popular Collectible Card Games. and nbsp;

Spellwrights can also draw on a personal energy pool to preserve scrolls when they cast them, keeping the spells available for later. Martially-inclined spellwrights can even use their cards as literal weapons, both flinging them from afar and slicing through their enemies up close!

and nbsp;So if you 'd like to be able to drop a handful of powerful magics on your enemies, keep rare resources when they'd otherwise be lost, or sling cards with lethal effect -- Class Codex: The Spellwright is a great class for you! and nbsp;

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